Title: The use of fly ashes as precursors of functionalized materials for applications in environmental engineering, civil engineering and agriculture
Duration: 2020-2024
Principal Investigator at AGH: Tomasz Bajda
Funding agency: Foundation for Polish Science (FnP)
Project ID: Team-Net
FUNash project entitled „Fly ashes as the precursors of functionalized materials for applications in environmental engineering, civil engineering and agriculture” assumes using fly ashes for the synthesis of novel functionalized materials with the structure of zeolites, mesoporous silica materials, mineral-organic composites, and metal-organic frameworks. Functionalized materials will be used in construction (cements and microbial biocements), agriculture (fertilizers and biostimulators/bioinhibitors) and environmental engineering (adsorbents and bioproducts for remediation of polluted waters, soils and gasses). The R&D works will be conducted in a form of 6 complementary themes, and each topic will be implemented by a separate research team. As the result of the FUNash project, at least 19 products, 2 services and 4 technologies will be produced and offered to various branches of industry. Project is carried out within the TEAM-NET programme of the Foundation for Polish Science.