Title: The preparation and utilization of zeolite-based sorbents of petroleum compounds
Duration: 2011-2014
Principal Investigator: Wojciech Franus
Key Investigators: Barbara Muir, Tomasz Bajda, Jakub Matusik
Funding agency: The National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Project ID: I PBS

The objective of the project was synthesis of zeolites from coal fly ash followed by its modification to produce a new sorbent – organo-zeolite. This sorbent is highly selective with respect to petroleum derived substances. There was proposed technologies for cheap manufacturing, broad application and full utilization of spent sorbent. Spent sorbent was utilized as a component of lightweight aggregate used in fabrication of insulating structural concrete. Proposed comprehensive solution is advantageous to existing solutions because it includes utilization of highly available fly ash waste, application of known and relatively cheap method of synthesis of zeolites developed by our team, and modification of the sorbent with the use of cheap surfactants.
As indicated by the economic analyzes carried out, the new product will be attractive in price compared to the materials currently used for this purpose. This will contribute to increasing competitiveness and expanding the range of products on the market of mineral sorbents. Considering the applicability of synthetic zeolites and the fact that thanks to the patented device their production on an industrial scale is real, implementation activities related to the developed technology are the most possible in a relatively short time.

Most important publications:

  • Szala B.,  Bajda T.,  Matusik J., Zięba K., Kijak B.; 2015: BTX sorption on Na-P1 organo-zeolite as a process controlled by the amount of adsorbed HDTMA,  Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 202, 115-123.
  • Szala B., Bajda T., Jeleń A.; 2015:Removal of chromium(VI) from aqueous solutions using zeolites modified with HDTMA and ODTMA surfactants, Clay Minerals, vol. 50, p. 103-115.
  • Muir B., Matusik J., Bajda T., 2016: New insights into alkylammonium-functionalized clinoptilolite and Na-P1 zeolite: Structural and textural features, Applied Surface Science, 361, p. 242–250.
  • Szala B., Turek P., Jeleń A., Bajda T., 2013: Synteza i właściwości sorpcyjne organo-zeolitów,  Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskie, Seria: Inżynieria Środowiska, 151, s. 5-12.
  • Szala B., Turek P., Bajda T., Matusik J., 2013: Odrzywolski Adam, Czerwiński Jacek, Franus Wojciech, Manecki Maciej, Sorpcja BTX na organo-zeolicie, Sorbenty mineralne: surowce, energetyka, ochrona środowiska, nowoczesne technologie, red. nauk. Tadeusz Ratajczak, Grzegorz Rzepa, Tomasz Bajda, Kraków: Wydawnictwa AGH, s. 471–482.
  • Szala B., Turek P., Bajda T. Matusik J., 2013: Optymalizacja procesu syntezy organo-zeolitu, Młodzi dla techniki : wybrane problemy naukowo-badawcze chemii i technologii chemicznej,  red. Dariusz Szychowski, Politechnika Warszawska. Wydział Budownictwa, Mechaniki i Petrochemii, s. 109–118.
  • Szala B., Bajda T., Matusik J.; 2014: Quantitative determination of ammonium salts in organo-zeolites by infrared spectorscopy; Geology, Gephysics & Environmental vol. 40/1 p. 131-132.
  • Szala Barbara, Turek Piotr, Bajda Tomasz, Czerwiński Jacek, Franus Wojciech, Sorption of selected organic compounds on organo-zeolites; XIV International conference of young geologists, Svätý Jur, Słowacja, 4-6 kwiecień 2013. In: Geology, Geophysics & Environment, 2012, 38 (4), s. 539-540.
  • Szala Barbara, Turek Piotr, Matusik Jakub, Bajda Tomasz, Czerwiński Jacek, Manecki Maciej, Franus Wojciech, Zastosowanie organo-zeolitów jako sorbentów związków apolarnych; Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Innowacyjne Technologie w Inżynierii i Kształtowaniu Środowiska”, Lublin, 27-29 czerwiec 2013.
  • Szala Barbara, Turek Piotr, Bajda Tomasz, Modification of synthetic zeolites and characteristics of their properties, Goldschmidt 2013, Florencja, Włochy, 25-30 sierpień 2013. Abstract in: Mineralogical Magazine, 2013, 77 (5), s. 2295.
  • Turek Piotr, Szala Barbara, Bajda Tomasz, Matusik Jakub, BTX sorption on synthetic organo-zeolites and evaluating the merit in using FTIR in BTX determination, Goldschmidt 2013, Florencja, Włochy, 25-30 sierpień 2013. Abstract in: Mineralogical Magazine, 2013, 77 (5), s. 2366.
  • Szala Barbara, Turek Piotr, Bajda Tomasz, Matusik Jakub, Odrzywolski Adam, Czerwiński Jacek, Franus Wojciech, Manecki Maciej, Sorpcja BTX na organo-zeolicie, Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Sorbenty Mineralne”, Kraków, 16-18 wrzesień 2013.
  • Szala Barbara, Turek Piotr, Matusik Jakub, Optymalizacja procesu syntezy organo-zeolitu, Konferencja Naukowa Doktorantów i Młodych Naukowców, Młodzi dla techniki 2013, Płock, 6 listopad 2013
  • Szala Barbara, Bajda Tomasz, Agata Jeleń; 2014: Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutio9ns Rusing zeolites modified with HDTMA and ODTMA surfacatants 8 – 13 June 2014 Belgrade, Serbia, ZEOLITE 2014 9th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites.
  • Szala Barbara, Bajda Tomasz; 2014: Sorption of benzene, toulene and p-xylene on HDTMA-modyfied synthetic zeolites: a combinned modeling and combi national study. 07-11 września 2014; Lipsk Niemcy, 6th FEZA International Conference.
  • Szala Barbara, Tomasz Bajda; 2014: Quantitative determination of quaternary ammonium salts in organo-zeolites by FTIR. 07-11 września 2014; Lipsk Niemcy, 6th FEZA International Conference.
  • Szala Barbara, Bajda Tomasz; 2015: BTX sorption on Na-P1 organo-zeolites as a process controlled by the type of surfactant. International Conference on Applied Mineralogy & Advanced Materials, Castellaneta Marina, Włochy, 7-12.06.2015.

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